
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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Journal Article
[RN82] Henry, Jim. "(Re)Appraising the Performance of Technical Communicators From a Posthumanist Perspective." Technical Communication Quarterly 19 (2009): 11/30/2015.
[RN108] Fraiberg, Steven. "Reassembling Technical Communication: A Framework for Studying Multilingual and Multimodal Practices in Global Contexts." Technical Communication Quarterly 22 (2013): 10/27/2015.
[985] Toms, Elaine G.. "Recognizing Digital Genre." Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 27 (2001):
[748] Freedman, Aviva. "Reconceiving Genre." Texte 8/9 (1990): 279-292.
[936] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Records as Genre." Written Communication 10 (1993): 200-234.
[RN238] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Records as Genre." Written Communication 10 (1993): 200-234.
[RN223] Swarts, Jason. "Recycled Writing: Assembling Actor Networks From Reusable Content." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24 (2010): 127-163.
[RN165] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Relational Genre Knowledge and the Online Design Critique: Relational Authenticity in Preprofessional Genre Learning." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 25 (2011): 3-35.
[RN42] Northcut, Kathryn M.. "The Relevance of Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology to Critical Visual Literacy: The Case of Scientific and Technical Illustration." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 37 (2007): 253-266.
[1192] Taylor, Diana. "Remapping Genre through Performance: From ‘American’ to ‘Hemispheric’ Studies." PMLA 122, no. 5 (2007): 1416-30.
[788] Herrero, Javier. "Renaissance Poverty and Lazarillo's Family: The Birth of the Picaresque Genre." PMLA 94 (1979): 876-886.
[RN177] Rude, Carolyn D.. "The Report for Decision Making: Genre and Inquiry." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 9 (1995): 170-205.
[RN85] Yli-Jokipii, Hilkka M.. "The representation of leisure in corporate publicity material: The case of a Finnish pine construction company." Technical Communication Quarterly 7 (1998): 259-270.
[1255] Aucouturier, J.J., and F. Pachet. "Representing Musical Genre: A State of the Art." Journal of New Music Research 32, no. 1 (2003): 1-12.
[699] Crowston, Kevin, and Marie Williams. "Reproduced and Emergent Genres of Communication on the World Wide Web." The Information Society 16 (2000): 201-215.
[759] Frow, John. "'Reproducibles, Rubrics, and Everything You Need': Genre Theory Today." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1626-1634.
[RN143] Kanoksilapatham, B.. "Research Article Structure of Research Article Introductions in Three Engineering Subdisciplines." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 55 (2012): 294-309.
[RN22] Conno, Jennifer J.. "Research on Technical and Scientific Communication in Canada: A Bibliographical Odyssey." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 24 (1994): 353-362.
[1247] Brent, Doug. "The research paper and why we should still care." Writing Program Administration 37, no. 1 (2013): 33-53.
[1061] Tardy, Christine M.. "Researching First and Second Language Genre Learning: A Comparative Review and a Look Ahead." Journal of Second Language Writing 15, no. 2 (2006): 79-101.
[RN65] Miller, Paul, Jaye Bausser, and Audeen Fentiman. "Responding to technical writing in an introductory engineering class: The role of genre and discipline." Technical Communication Quarterly 7 (1998): 443-461.
[RN136] Schaefer, K. A.. "Response-to-Complaint Letter as a Rhetorical Genre." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 53 (2010): 158-163.
[RN122] Dayton, David, and Stephen A. Bernhardt. "Results of a Survey of ATTW Members, 2003." Technical Communication Quarterly 13 (2004): 13-43.
[637] Berkenkotter, Carol, and Thomas N. Huckin. "Rethinking Genre from a Sociocognitive Perspective." Written Communication 10 (1993): 475-509.
[926] Russell, David R.. "Rethinking Genre in School and Society: An Activity Theory Analysis." Written Communication 14 (1997): 504-554.
